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How Generators Can Protect Your Home During Storms

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If you’re a Buffalo or Western New York homeowner, you know the drill – those brutal winter storms like to throw everything they’ve got at us. One minute you’re shoveling out from under three feet of snow, the next minute howling winds are knocking out the power for days on end.

But as much as we’ve learned to grin and bear it, losing heat and electricity during a blizzard is still a huge pain and inconvenience. Frozen pipes, spoiled food, sitting in the dark like cavemen – no thanks! That’s why preparing for storm season is so crucial around these parts.

If you want to avoid all those freezing, pitch-black miseries, you should invest in a generator! These heavy-duty machines are like superheroes. When the power conks out, they’ll swoop in and keep your lights on, furnace running, and phones charged!

How Generators Work to Protect Your Home

Okay, let’s break down how these generators actually keep the lights on when winter strikes and power outages happen.

At the core, generators are just big engines hooked up to an alternator which converts mechanical energy into sweet electricity. It’s similar to those huge power plants you see, just scaled down to a homeowner-friendly size. The generator’s engine runs on fuel like gasoline, diesel, propane or natural gas to keep the alternator coils whirring. But no matter what fuel is being used, the basic concept is the same – use the engine’s mechanical muscle to crank the alternator and zap some power back into your home’s appliances and electronics.

For storm duty, you’ve got a couple main options. There are the portable models, perfect for just keeping a few essentials powered up when the grid breaks down. Just wheel it outside, fire it up, and run some extension cords into your place. Bam – now you’ve got lights, heat, maybe even TV to prevent total meltdown!

But if you want to go full-on apocalypse prepper, you’ll want one of those standby units. These are hardwired directly into your home’s electrical panel, with enough oomph to run pretty much everything. And here’s the really slick part – they’ve got automatic transfer switches that sense when the utility power cuts out. Within seconds of the lights going dark, the generator automatically kicks on and takes over supplying power. No scrambling around to get it fired up, it just does its thing.

Whole-House Generator

Benefits of Having a Generator During Storms

When wild weather takes a swing at Western New York, having a generator on your team is a game-changer. These power-pumping workhorses may be your best shot at riding out the storm without losing all the coveted conveniences of modern living. Here’s why every homeowner should consider enlisting one:

Uninterrupted Power Supply 

First things first – generators keep your home’s most critical operations humming along instead of shutting down. We’re talking heat, refrigeration, medical devices, you name it. No more icicle days without the furnace or tossing out all your freezer stash. A generator makes sure those essentials never miss a beat, no matter how rowdy the storm gets.

Preventing Flooding 

Okay, this one’s huge if you’ve got a basement. All it takes is one power zap and suddenly your sump pump can’t do its job of expelling water from your home’s foundation. Hello, flooded mess! But a backup generator means that sump pump stays powered on, diligently pumping away to prevent any aquatic basement disasters from brewing.

Home Security 

Here’s something you may not have considered – when the power’s out, your home’s security systems and smart gadgets are out of commission too. With a generator though, you can keep those alarms, cameras, and smart locks all powered up and protecting your place through the stormiest nights.

Comfort and Safety 

At the end of the day, generators are about maintaining a warm, bright, safe environment no matter how harsh the conditions get outside. They prevent you from having to endure freezing temps, food spoilage, total darkness, and all those other miseries that make power outages such a nightmare. When the winds are howling, there’s no better comfort than your generator keeping that cozy bubble intact!

Types of Generators to Consider

Alright, now that you know the storm-defying potential of generators, it’s time to figure out which one best suits your needs. There are a few different models to pick from, each with their own unique strengths. Let’s break down the key players:

Portable Generators

These are the compact, budget-friendly workhorses perfect for keeping smaller homes powered through shorter outages. Pros is that they are super mobile and get-up-and-go, providing a quick fix anywhere you need temporary electricity. Just add gas and fire ’em up!

The downside is they require more hands-on operation and monitoring. You’ll need to keep refueling the gas tank and can’t necessarily leave them running unattended long-term. But for lower costs and solid short burst backup, these portables are a great option.

Standby Generators

Now we’re talking the heavy-hitting, permanent backup solution made to automatically take over during any outage. Standby units get wired directly into your home’s electrical panel and natural gas line for an endless power supply.

Sure, the installation is more costly upfront. But the convenience of it seamlessly kicking on when needed without you lifting a finger? Priceless! Especially for regions like Buffalo prone to frequent, prolonged outages from brutal snowstorms.

Inverter Generators

These are the new kids on the generator block – smaller, lighter, and wayyyy quieter than traditional models. Inverters create are ideal for safely running sensitive electronics and appliances. They’re also more fuel-efficient and eco-friendly. However, they have lower wattage output which means they’re better suited for basic backup needs rather than powering a whole house.

Installation and Maintenance Considerations for Buffalo Homeowners

So you’re leaning towards arming your home with one of these power-pumping storm shields – nice! But before you get too generator giddy, there are some key installation and upkeep factors us Buffalo folks need to consider. After all, our whiteout blizzard conditions aren’t exactly gentle on outdoor equipment.

If you’re going the standby generator route for full-home backup, do yourself a favor and hire professional installation. These aren’t tiny toolshed toys – they’re heavy-duty machines that need to get hardwired into your home’s electrical system and gas line. One missed step could create a safety hazard or prevent it from working properly when you need it most. Local pros know the codes and will get it situated just right.

Speaking of proper placement, don’t forget to account for our lovely lake-effect snowfalls! You’ll want to position that standby unit in an elevated area clear of any snow drifts to keep the intake and exhaust vents unobstructed. Last thing you need is it gasping for air or getting snowed under mid-outage. Ditto for portable models – give them a high, clear spot to safely operate.

Once installed, don’t just let your generator collect cobwebs and rust. You will need to show some routine TLC to ensure they’ll fire up reliably when duty calls. Basic maintenance like changing the oil, inspecting air filters, and test-running it under load will keep everything running like a well-oiled machine.

And don’t forget about fuel checks! You’ll want to either refill portable gas tanks or ensure your standby unit’s gas line is in working order before storm season hits. Because there’s nothing more soul-crushing than your generator pulling a no-show when you need it most.

The Cost of Installing a Generator

Generators aren’t exactly an impulse purchase. These power-pumping life-savers come with a decent price tag. But when you weigh the costs against the comfort and protection they provide, it’s an investment that really pays off for us Buffalo homeowners.

If you go the portable generator route, you’re looking at a few hundred dollars to a couple  thousand dollars on average depending on the wattage and brand. The higher-end models with more output capacity will run you closer to two grand. Not bad for some quick backup power! Just factor in fuel costs for however many gallons of gas you’ll be burning through.

Now standby generators, those are the real heavy hitters that’ll put a bigger dent in your wallet upfront. Units themselves generally start around a couple of thousand bucks for a basic air-cooled model and can easily skyrocket to five figures for a huge liquid-cooled system that’ll power a mansion. The real budget-buster tends to be professional installation costs, which can tack on anywhere from a couple thousand to several thousand dollars more depending on your home’s setup.

That’s a pretty penny, no doubt about it. But remember – you’re paying for the Cadillac of backup power that’ll automatically safeguard your entire palace through any outage, no manual labor required. Plus, properly maintaining it with routine service will ensure you get literal decades of storm protection out of that investment.

At the end of the day, the few grand you spend could end up saving you wayyyy more in prevented storm damages, losses, and headaches. We’re talking burst pipes, flooded basements, spoiled food – those are just some of the expensive emergencies a generator can help you avoid when wild weather strikes. For most Buffalo homeowners, it’s an extremely worthwhile safeguard against Old Man Winter’s worst tantrums.

Generators and Power Outage Preparedness Tips for Buffalo

Aside from preparing your generator, there are a few more things to do to make sure you’re 100% prepared on every level. Here’s a few more things to prepare:

First things first, let’s talk essentials. You’ll want to make sure you’ve got a solid stash of batteries (double A’s, triple A’s, you name it), heavy-duty flashlights or headlamps, warm blankets, and enough non-perishable food and water to last a few days at least. Because even if your generator’s humming along, you never know when you might need those just-in-case provisions. You should also prepare candles and matches for backup lighting.

Next, it’s time to get your emergency game plan together. Figure out where the safest, warmest spot is in your home to hunker down. It’s best if it’s an interior room without any windows to worry about. Make sure the whole crew knows the drill – where to go, what to grab, etc. It’s also a good idea to have a predetermined meeting spot and emergency contact list ready, just in case you get separated from each other.

Oh, and don’t forget to stay glued to those local weather reports and storm updates! Sign up for emergency alerts from the National Weather Service, Erie County officials, or whichever Buffalo news stations you trust most. Having a battery-powered radio on deck is clutch for this kind of situation. You’ll want the latest info on conditions, power restoration timelines, road closures, the whole nine yards.

If you’ve got any special circumstances like running a home business or relying on electric medical equipment, make sure your generator can handle those power needs too. The same is true for charging phones, laptops, and whatever other devices you’ll need. You could also prepare power inverters, backup battery packs, etc.

Remember that having a generator is awesome, but it’s just one piece of the bigger outage preparedness puzzle. Stay ready and you’ll hardly even notice when the lights go out!

Stay Powered Through Buffalo’s Worst Storms

When Old Man Winter unleashes his fury on the Buffalo area, don’t get caught powerless! Having the right generator and preparedness plan lets you keep your place bright, toasty and safe no matter how wild the weather gets. From portable units for quick backup to standby models that automatically kick in, the pros at Reimer have you covered. 

We’re the local experts on generator installation, maintenance and getting storm-ready. Dial (716) 272-2371 now to reinforce your power outage defenses before the next blizzard blasts through!

What Our Clients Say

Chris and Kevin were excellent! The issue involved plumbing. Accomplished all that was needed at the time. They are returning for additional work as well. The annual contract has great value , and gives homeowner piece of mind when problems arise! I just signed up for mine!

-Kitty Testa

Chris L. Is a wonderful man. Put my mind at ease immediately when he looked at the problems which turned out not to be as bad as we thought. I will definitely use them again. Great service!

-Janice Kaled

Chris Reimer was at my home and did a great job was very nice guy to have work in my home and gave me no run arounds. I would for sure use again thank you very much!!

-Matthew Dillon

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